Your business industries

Consumer goods & manufacturing

Create and distribute multilingual product sheets with optimal data quality to your retailers.

Challenges consumer goods companies and manufacturers face

  • Create sales enablement material for your sales force
  • Produce product and technical sheets for your distribution channels
  • Ensure information is always up to date
  • Translate product and technical sheets

Our solutions for your sales and marketing teams

Optimize product information management during the manufacturing cycle and reduce translation costs when creating sales enablement material.
Spot the changes
How much time does your marketing manager spend trying to identify changes to technical characteristics on a production line? Marketing and product managers can immediately see which products have been changed as data changes are automatically retrieved from your information system (PLM, PIM, Excel).
Improve quality control

As a key person, the marketing manager controls the quality of the product information and, if necessary, improves the sales description of the products on offer. Depending on the changes, logos, and other pictograms are automatically associated with the product information to save even more time.

Reduce your translation costs by involving translators only for the modified text that is not yet in the translation memory.

To secure the process, track each contributor’s work in progress through to final validation based on a preview of the result.

Free up time for higher added-value tasks
Once validated, product sheets are automatically generated according to your branding guidelines. The resulting PDF documents can then be sent directly to distributors or made available in a media centre.

Automate the production of your documents

Simple Workspace is a collaborative portal used to integrate your data and create workflows required to automatically produce your documents (catalogues, brochures, product & technical sheets, in-store display, stickers…).

Optimize your product communication!