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J2S news


While presenting our insurer’s business report, we were surprised to learn that project management represented a high cause of loss. According to a Standish Group study, 1 conducted between 2011 and 2015, more than 71% of the projects did not succeed as expected. In parallel, after two attempts with providers selected by tender, a mail order company we had not been able to seduce recently approached us. The concomitance of these two elements led us to some reflections concerning the calls for tender for the implementation of software solutions.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 2/27/2023)

The global consumer product conglomerates seem to share a similar organization. For product marketing, whether Chinese or Korean, these companies rely on a few resource centers, divided by market, which collect (often painfully) information before making it “publishable” and submitting it to the sales offices in each of the countries concerned.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 12/21/2022)

In a few words

Allowing any user to use the marketing material means allowing him to control the factory that will produce PDF, Excel, or InDesign documents, according to variable data and parameters.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 1/31/2022)

In the marketing context, the term touchpoint refers to an advertising or commercial contact point between the brand and the consumer. It can be a human contact, a website, an application, or any other form of communication. We can distinguish between what is published and what is interaction.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 10/25/2021)

Back in March, we shared in this article the Studio (M) project of Imprimerie Mordacq. This project was divided into 3 main stages:

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 9/27/2021)

The Flatplan

One of the key parts of Simple Workspace is the Simple Brief application, a flatplan created to manage the production of documents in InDesign format.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 9/13/2021)

In all teamwork, deadlines pressure those at the end of the production line. When it comes to creating a publication that is graphically rich (a newspaper, a magazine, an answer to a bid for proposals…), those in the graphic studio are rushed to make the final adjustments before delivering the files to the printer. In some cases, the modifications are even made at the printer’s, but that’s a completely different matter.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 11/30/2020)

All business people know that a clearly argued proposal is more likely to be positively received. What if we could provide a high-quality PDF publication of the products on offer with each quotation?

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 7/21/2020)


In the context of automatic document generation, translation simply consists of re-generating the document from the target language data before performing layout checks.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 7/20/2020)