Chez J2S

J2S news


Although 2022 showed how difficult it is to change the world, we are choosing to change our way of understanding it, accepting it, and finding solutions. Therefore, we prefer to remain optimistic with the hope that in 2023, we will live in a peaceful, more inclusive world, where everyone has their place to flourish in peace and balance with nature.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 1/9/2023)

The J2S team

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 11/29/2022)

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 9/5/2022)

Benjamin Chauvel recently joined the J2S team as a Strategic Partnership Manager.

Throughout this interview, you will get to know him.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 3/14/2022)

Julie Vandenberghe recently joined the J2S team as an integrator.
During this interview, you will get to know her.
This exchange will be divided into two parts.
In the first part, she will tell us about her arrival at J2S and her previous experiences in the publishing world.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 11/22/2021)

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/10/2021)

Here we are again in the second part of our interview with Hugues Dupont, our new integrator.

Hugues has become very familiar with the Simple Workspace portal and wanted to share his impressions of his experiences in the publishing industry.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/3/2021)

A few months ago, a new integrator joined the J2S team. During this interview, you will be introduced to Hugues Dupont, our newcomer. During this first interview, Hugues shared about his arrival at J2S, his home training with J2S solutions, and his experience in the publishing industry, a sector that he knows very well. You will find out about Hugues’ impressions of the solution in a new edition of Chez J2S.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 4/26/2021)

In project management, it often happens that several people have to work together and interact with customers.
Obviously, in a project there is the customer, the project manager… however, a third person may be necessary to facilitate the management of the project, to facilitate exchanges between the different departments, and to keep an eye on the situation in case of emergency.
This person is usually involved in the after-sales process and is called the Success Manager, or sometimes even the Customer Success Manager.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 1/11/2021)

J2S organizes a training workshop on February 25th in Lille, France, to share and exchange with its users about Publish-In Simple Workspace!

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 1/27/2020)