Chez J2S

J2S news


It was while looking for inspiration for a new article that I found myself browsing the J2S blog for an idea… until I realized the diversity and depth of the topics covered, which made me want to present you with a synthesis of the different production modes exploited by our customers and the flexibility of Simple Workspace.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 6/30/2023)

Table of contents

What is an offer?

The definition seemed obvious to me until we got down to it. Indeed, not to mention the macro-economic vision of supply and demand, the notion of supply is multifaceted. While for the supply director, it’s a question of managing the challenges of design, range, supply, and sometimes even marketing, for the product director, supply has a more restricted scope, often limited to the products under their responsibility.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 6/23/2023)

Do you remember Ridley Scott’s 1984 advert for the release of the Apple Macintosh in… 1984? A blonde woman dressed in red and white runs through a totalitarian (see George Orwell’s 1984), gray, oppressive world; Henchmen pursue her; She finally throws her hammer at a screen, which shatters, waking up the hypnotized spectators. In this article, in a more modest way, I’m proposing that you become aware of our company’s routines and business processes. And yes, we’re not here for laughs.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 6/2/2023)

Table of contents

For many years now, we’ve been helping companies and their marketing and product communication departments to automate all their communication media and accelerate the production of all types of publications (catalogs, POS/ILV, product sheets…).

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/26/2023)

Our users work on a daily basis with Simple Workspace, a typical web-based application.

Simple Workspace is a platform that manages the input of product data feeds, press articles, images, InDesign documents , etc. These data streams generate catalogs, books, product sheets, etc., grouped in Flatplans, and use workflows to manage proofreading, validation, translation, etc. Ultimately, it delivers validated data, PDFs, InDesign or Excel files, packages, etc.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/22/2023)

As a solution provider, this is a central issue: obsolescence. This concerns, for example, the machines, operating systems, or technical components we use to run Simple Workspace. Some of this work – hardware, network, Internet access, etc. – is taken care of by our provider OVH.
This means we have to manage the rest; it’s an ongoing job that guarantees a reliable and secure installation in line with the state of the art in the profession.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 5/5/2023)

You’ve probably already heard about business-to-business partnerships. These are expressions that arise more and more often. Indeed, one of the objectives of companies is to generate turnover. This requires innovation, creativity, and the ability to be different from the competition, since, if you do the same thing as the others, you get the same results. This is where collaboration between companies can help.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 4/3/2023)

We have users who work with Simple Workspace every day, using the classic web-based application.

It couldn’t be simpler!

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 3/23/2023)

Technology is now everywhere, especially digital technology. A revolution has taken place in a historically short time: in less than 20 years, the whole world has become interconnected1. My 17-year-old daughter doesn’t understand: “But how did you do that before?” she asked me, looking at me like a bald dinosaur with glasses.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 3/20/2023)

Last week, Richard posted an article titled « What about invitations to tender?”. What does this have to do with the GDPR and the Privacy Shield?
I found that this article highlighted the gap between “advertising” to sell and, on the other hand, a more “responsible” attitude, aiming at not announcing anything that cannot be reasonably kept.

Read more… (Article from Chez J2S 3/6/2023)