Chez J2S

Increase web and in-store traffic with hyper-personalized print campaigns

” 2,200 articles, 80,000 catalogs persanalized of 16 pages”

The context

Smartalog™️ is a specialized production agency for retailers and e-merchants that aims to reconcile the best of digital and print channels by allowing advertisers to communicate with their customers using a personalized print media.

The challenges

How to increase traffic in stores and on websites using a hyper-personalized business offer?

The scenario

Smartalog is aware of the emotional value of paper and combines digital and paper by offering a personalized catalog. This catalog takes into account a variety customer profiles.

This is how it works: the customer data collected from the last 4 seasons are used as the basis for the catalogs. With these information a specific offer is made for each profile: is it a woman with or without children, a family or a single person? etc.). Once transferred, the customer’s data is injected into the J2S platform.

The platform adapts product data to industrialize the layout of catalogs. A PDF of the catalog is then generated. It is now ready to be delivered to customers’ mailboxes. 80,000 Cyrillus customers have discovered a singular document that reflects their image with products they are likely to buy.

The company has not wanted the conversion rates to be communicated, but they are very significant!

The little extra


The use of InDesign and our rule-based layout automation solution increases all creative possibilities tenfold: direct marketing techniques are integrated into a more traditional publishing workflow, which is a challenge for some organizations.

A Catalog example

The personalized automated catalog in the flatplan.



Product management

Controlling data with the MOM application becomes very simple.

(Article from Chez J2S 4/26/2019)