Chez J2S

Should an agency involve its customers in the production of publications?

To be honest, the answer is yes!

Involving customers in all pre-press workflows to speed up and simplify the Proof validation, for example, seems essential especially since the implementation of an online publishing platform has become a simple formality.

This collaboration ensures you a precious time saving, optimal customization of services and a strong improvement in your productivity. Discover the benefits of this collaboration.

Advantage n°1: a total reactivity

Take advantage of a direct customer service to make the follow-up of your production faster and more responsive! Collaboration guarantees you at all times the presence of a reliable contact on the customer’s side: a comforting element when decisions in terms of “creation” have to be validated under pressure. And your ability to respond immediately to unexpected brief updates gives you an additional competitive advantage.

Advantage n°2: an easier customization

With the transparency of communication provided by collaborative work, avoid creative misunderstandings! Regular customer feedback ensures the quality of your production. You can even combine them with real-time access to all your workflows (graphic asset management, flatplan finalization, etc.) to quickly offer new customization options.

Advantage n°3: an optimized productivity

Thanks to the better knowledge of your customers’ expectations, you can organize your workflows and production tracking much more easily! You can plan all the publishing resources to be mobilized and optimize your teams’ workload well in advance. 2 elements that allow you to significantly increase your company’s productivity and financial profitability!


Transparency that must avoid overloading

Cooperation does not mean fusion or subordination: it is necessary that exchanges with your customer remain easily manageable, in frequency and volume. A weekly review (or daily for very large projects) by e-mail or telephone is usually enough. Do not forget to preserve your employees: you must remain their only referent!

In the case where your pre-production digital suite offers feedback, encourage your most “invasive” business relationships to use this feature!

Often feared, involving customers in your pre-press process is nevertheless an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your added value while making your production more fluid (saving time, optimizing resources…). Just make sure that the exchanges with your partner do not pollute your work rhythm and the management of your teams.

J2S is an expert in omnichannel pre-media software for communication agencies and creative studios, delivering Studio Publish-In to deploy a true multi-channel teamwork environment.

Discover the main benefits Simple Workspace

Engage with your customers by involving them in your production

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(Article from Chez J2S 12/17/2019)