Chez J2S

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Pour créer rapidement des blocs texte chaînés.

D’après InDesign Secrets :

The quickest way to create a series of threaded text frames

by: Keith Gilbert | July 3, 2013



Imagine you want four columns of text on a page, and want to do this with 4 threaded text frames. You can do this a slow, painful way, or a quick, painless way…your choice!

The slow way:

Create a single text frame. Click on the “out port” at the bottom-right corner of the text frame, and then drag out a second frame with the loaded text cursor. Repeat this for frames 3 and 4. Then, fiddle endlessly with alignment and spacing to get the frames spaced apart with the desired gutter.

The fast way (CS5 or newer):

  1. Select the Type tool, and drag out a large text frame. Do not let go of the mouse button.


ScreenSnapz001 Create a text frame that is the total width of all 4 text frames.

  1. While dragging, press the right arrow (cursor) key 3 times. You will see the frame divide into 4 equal frames, evenly spaced, with equal gutters. If desired, press command-left/right arrow (Mac) or ctrl-left/right arrow (Windows) to adjust the gutter size.


Pressing the right and left arrow keys will subdivide the single text frame into 4 frames. Pressing the right and left arrow keys will subdivide the single text frame into 4 frames.

  1. When you let go of the mouse, the result will be 4 perfectly even frames, equally sized and spaced, and threaded together!


ScreenSnapz003 Voila! 4 perfect, threaded text frames.

One variation on this technique: if you do not want the resulting frames to be threaded together, just hold down the option/alt key before you release the mouse button.




(Article Chez J2S du 16/7/2013)
