Chez J2S


Although 2022 showed how difficult it is to change the world, we are choosing to change our way of understanding it, accepting it, and finding solutions. Therefore, we prefer to remain optimistic with the hope that in 2023, we will live in a peaceful, more inclusive world, where everyone has their place to flourish in peace and balance with nature.

J2S has had an exciting year! On a personal level, 10% of the team decided to marry.

What could be better than a wedding to strengthen the bonds in an already stable team?

We are also pleased to see our clients entrust us with new projects in ever more varied fields.

A highlight of 2022 was the J2S user’s day which we finally held to celebrate our 20+3 years. The event is always a great opportunity to gather with our customers and partners for a useful and – we hope – entertaining moment! We look forward to the next one in 2023!

J2S has found a cruising speed that allows us to look forward to the future with serenity, especially since we are seeing the fruits of this work on the sales side.

In 2023, it will be the turn of the publishing department to evolve with the reinforcement of the team in charge of the infrastructure, a crucial field for both performance and security issues.

New features for Simple Workspace too. Those who attended the J2S user’s day were able to discover the new features of Simple DAM, the redesign of J2S Module Editor, the significant improvements of the book generation engine, the overhaul of Simple MOM, and the new possibilities of Simple Brief ( the ability to appoint comments to specific users, or to update a source document after translations have begun, etc.). The last quarter of 2022 was the time to start a big project around the interface.

In 2023, beyond the improvement of aspects related to our infrastructure and ergonomics, you will also notice new features around the Dashboard and notifications, secured production of work files, etc.

After the busy year 2022, the whole J2S team is joining us to wish you and your loved ones the best of health for 2023.

Richard Loubéjac

Cofounder of J2S

Richard Loubéjac

Jean-Yves Jourdain

Cofounder of J2S

Jean-Yves Jourdain

(Article from Chez J2S 1/9/2023)
