Chez J2S

Simple Workspace 2.0 from a developer's perspective

Web application development has been in constant evolution for years. Let’s mention the diversification of the number of supports (computers, smartphones, tablets, connected TVs), more and more powerful applications, the rise of tools such as node.js, etc.

The J2S R&D team is actively monitoring technological developments to detect them and offer you more features through its Simple Workspace platform.

Here are two of them.

Redesign of the main applications

In order to invest in the modernity of our main software tool and to accelerate the pace of new releases, we have undertaken a complete overhaul of Simple Workspace, making it more modular, more extensible and better adapted to your needs.

The software has been enhanced with new features, starting with the new generation of tables.

This evolution will benefit most of the modules of Simple Workspace that use tables intensively, and in particular Simple MOM, our product sheet editing solution, which already offers a high level of flexibility and customization: dynamic form engine, customer-specific workflow management, etc.

These new tables enable:

  • Editing within grids, which is important to anyone who has ever used a spreadsheet and prefers to use the keyboard over the mouse.
  • The representation of new types of data. Colors, images, pictograms, complex types, everything is represented and editable. No need to leave the grid for the form.
  • The possibility to group, freeze, resize columns.

Increased productivity thanks to mass data entry entirely controlled by the keyboard, consultation of all your data in tables that can be personalized very quickly, and increased performance are the main benefits of this evolution.

These new functionalities come in addition to other possibilities already present, such as the fact that you can operate groupings on most of the fields of a product sheet without any prior configuration or parameterization, allowing each user to have his own data visualization.

Development process

More abstract but no less crucial, it is also under the cover that our solution gains power, propelled by more draconian development processes. Our commitment in this area can be summed up in three objectives: stability, availability, and performance.

Where there is a will, there is a way; and to do this we are using new technologies:

  • Systematic memory profiling allows us to easily support huge volumes. Databases with more than one million records are no problem.
  • Automated code quality analysis tools (Linters) that evaluate the robustness of the software and the respect of good development practices every day.
  • An automation server (Jenkins) is capable of performing complex operations such as hot deployments (updates without service interruption).

Contact us : we will be happy to answer your questions.


Pierre Michel,
Development Engineer

(Article from Chez J2S 8/1/2020)