Chez J2S

Simple Workspace optimizes the performance of your team

I love movies. When I think of automation and film, I immediately think of Charlie Chaplin’s magnificent films – has he made any bad ones? -Modern Times. Look at this scene! Charlot and his colleagues are working on a production line: the role of one is to tighten a bolt in one direction, the part of the other is to strike a heavy wall here, etc. This is a solution found to the need for strong industrialization: specialization. It was certainly modern, but was it an improvement?

P.-S. This reminds me of the way the press works. I remember a visit to a large daily newspaper in the south of France, 20 years ago. Some layout artists had only one mission: to move ads from a pallet to the page. Others would then take over. But I don’t know if it’s the same today.

With the rise of personal computers, a new alternative is offered, and we no longer speak of the separation of duties. In some areas, it is even the opposite. Let’s take the example of the production of a magazine that requires photographers, layout artists, illustrators, editors, proofreaders, etc. You unpack your brand-new computer, your digital camera, your printer, and some software, and you are potentially omnipotent and able to do everything alone!

Simple Workspace also has an industrial vocation. It’s about simplifying and fluidifying manufacturing flows, and production flows. We find the notion of the factory that I mentioned at the beginning of the article. But between doing only one and the same task in a systematic way and doing everything alone, our solution proposes an intermediate way.

Just as the conductor drives the energy of his orchestra, Simple Workspace animates the production team with collaborative tools and links the team with the other players in the company or outside. And to provide automation tools for repetitive tasks while allowing manual interventions like creative layouts.

The automation is taken care of by the tool. The exchanges are standardized. The operators can do their work with peace of mind.

After Taylorism, and Fordism, long live Jideusism 1!

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Jean-Yves Jourdain

Cofounder of J2S

Jean-Yves Jourdain


  1. You are welcome to create the Wikipedia page ;-). ↩︎

(Article from Chez J2S 11/14/2022)