Chez J2S

Stibo Systems France and J2S, are official technology partners

For some organisations, print, especially the catalog form , remains a strategic tool which has a direct impact on turnover and branding. With the arrival of product data management tools (PIM, MDM), companies have the opportunity to optimize their marketing data publication processes.

It is in this context that J2S and Stibo Systems have decided to join forces and officialize their partnership. Both companies want their customers to benefit from an expertise to provide the most effective support: Stibo System as a publisher of the MDM STEP solution and J2S as an expert in publishing systems.

J2S and Stibo Systems have a common history that began several years ago with the production of the MANUTAN catalog, 2500 pages in 12 versions for a European distribution.

Recently, we intervened at LYRECO to optimize the production chain of their main catalogue.

As a Stibo Systems partner, J2S’s mission is to help customers make the most of marketing data, optimize processes and accompany them in change processes.

Now, the strong complementarity of the two companies’ expertise makes sense: these projects have a major impact on the organization; they address the way marketing data is processed and exploited, systems integration, security issues and work processes between internal and external collaborators as well.

Already used by other major B2B players, other major accounts should benefit from this partnership in the coming months.


Stibo Systems was founded in 1976 in response to the pressing demand from international companies to manage their rapidly growing data. Many companies have realized that understanding this problem at its core means success, with the solution being the management of reference information.

The first focus was on product information. Very quickly, it became obvious that Stibo’s solution had capabilities that enabled it to drastically extend its range of action.

Today, Stibo Systems is proud to be able to offer STEP: the multi-domain solution dedicated to the management and control of the company’s strategic data, recognized by analysts and major players in many sectors. Stibo Systems believes in providing industries with an innovative MDM solution that pushes the limits of what you can achieve with your data.

Source : Site web Stibo Systems

About J2S

Founded in 1999, J2S quickly became the French expert in the development of plug-ins, scripts and extensions for the advanced control of Adobe InDesign.

J2S publishes Simple Workspace, its collaborative print & web production platform to help its customers dematerialize and optimize their marketing operations: content aggregation and qualification, formatting and distribution.

J2S addresses the needs of customers from various universes (press, agencies and studio, commerce & industry, travel), industrializes the production of content to publish and its multichannel distribution: (e)-catalogue, custom catalogue, e-commerce site, mobile application, market place, label, magazine etc..

(Article from Chez J2S 8/14/2017)